Met de hulp van de app Packels kunt u de exacte locatie van uw pakket of verzendingen over een paar seconden gelezen door "Cainiao".
Staat | Omschrijving |
电子信息已收到 | |
Warehouse processing complete | |
Successful departure from Warehouse | |
Successful package picked up by Warehouse | |
Shipment arrived at facility | |
卖家发货 | |
Shipment operation completed | |
Arrive at Airport | |
计划交航 | |
计划交航,计划航班号TRUCK-KE604-0529,计划起飞时间 | |
计划交航(国内经转) | |
Shipped by air | |
Item has been registered | |
The item is not yet in Posti | |
【深圳市国际大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Item received for processing | |
【深圳市国际大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
Order dispatched | |
Depart from facility | |
Order departed on flight from origin | |
The item is in transport | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Russian Fed | |
Successful package received by Warehouse | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Russian Fed | |
Item has arrived to warehouse | |
The item is on its way to the destination country | |
Order departed from sorting hub | |
计划交航,计划航班号RU120,计划起飞时间 | |
Item has departed from the warehouse | |
【深圳】Export customs clearance complete | |
Item Arrived at Domodevo | |
Received from Customer | |
计划交航,计划航班号CZ355,计划起飞时间 | |
Shipment information received | |
Item in transit | |
【广州互换局】已开拆 | |
Item received | |
Item dispatched | |
【金华】Export customs clearance complete | |
【广州】arrive export exchange | |
Received in Shenzhen | |
Hong Kong - Shipped by air | |
Arrived at the sorting center | |
Arrived at transferring country - Finland in | |
Held by Customs at Destination | |
Hand over to airline | |
Departed from transferring country -Finland out | |
Notification of shipment confirmation | |
Arrival at Destination (Exchange Office) | |
Shipment arrived at facility Shenzhen | |
Item received by shipper in shenzhen | |
Transit to Air Transit Centre | |
Airline inspection succeeded in HK | |
Leave the processing center and shipped | |
计划交航,计划航班号CA839,计划起飞时间 | |
Shipment operation completed at facility Erlianhaote | |
【广州小包大宗收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【广州小包大宗收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
Order awaiting customs clearance | |
Departure from outward office of exchange | |
Received in Shanghai | |
Arrived at transferring country | |
In transit | |
Shanghai - Shipped by air | |
Dispatch received at the sorting center | |
【东莞】Export customs clearance complete | |
Departed from transferring country | |
【东莞市邮政局电商包裹局国际小包处理组】已封发(国内经转) | |
Order customs cleared and lodged with local delivery agent | |
【东莞市邮政局电商包裹局国际小包处理组】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Status updates may be available from destination carrier | |
【广州】Export customs clearance complete | |
计划交航,计划航班号OZ350-OZ793,计划起飞时间 | |
Acceptance | |
Order received into final destination country | |
Export customs clearance complete | |
【金华市小包分局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【金华市小包分局】已封发(国内经转) | |
【中国邮政集团公司浙江省义乌市邮购配送公司】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【中国邮政集团公司浙江省义乌市邮购配送公司】已封发(国内经转) | |
Airlines or trucks Arrived at destination country | |
Russia post in transit | |
【中国邮政集团公司杭州市商务小包业务局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【中国邮政集团公司杭州市商务小包业务局】已封发(国内经转) | |
Received | |
Held by Custom | |
Item pre-advice received | |
Receptacle arrives Omniva Tallin facility | |
Export of international mail | |
【小包中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Customs Clearance | |
【上海】Export customs clearance complete | |
Outbound clearance completed successfully and loaded to airline | |
交接成功 | |
【广商国际小包】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【广商国际小包】已封发(国内经转) | |
Received at Processing Facility | |
Shipment operation completed at facility Haerbin | |
【中国邮政集团公司南京市邮政函件局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【中国邮政集团公司南京市邮政函件局】已封发(国内经转) | |
【温州】Export customs clearance complete | |
Item arrived at OE in the destination country | |
【苏州】Export customs clearance complete | |
计划交航,计划航班号TK027,计划起飞时间 | |
Shipment is handed over to airport | |
【泉州市邮政函件局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【中国邮政集团公司苏州市大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
【中国邮政集团公司苏州市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【泉州市邮政函件局】已封发(国内经转) | |
Item Arrived at Russian Fed | |
Shipment order created | |
Processing Arrived at the sorting center | |
Processed Through Facility | |
【杭州】Export customs clearance complete | |
【北京】Export customs clearance complete | |
【跨境电子商务综合服务中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【武汉大宗收寄中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【跨境电子商务综合服务中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
Shipment arrived at facility Guangzhou | |
【武汉大宗收寄中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
Shipment operation completed at facility Guangzhou | |
Left the sorting center | |
Arrived at USPS Facility | |
Departed from Stockholm Arlanda Airport | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country: XX) - for OM PLUS only | |
【温州市两包集中收寄中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
【小包中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
【温州市两包集中收寄中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Receptacle departs from Omniva Tallin facility | |
【中国邮政集团公司宁波市电商包裹局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Departed from Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport | |
【中国邮政集团公司宁波市电商包裹局】已封发(国内经转) | |
【宁波】Export customs clearance complete | |
【南京】Export customs clearance complete | |
【中国邮政集团公司无锡市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Dispatching | |
【中国邮政集团公司无锡市大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
Import of international mail | |
【青岛市邮政局函件广告局销售部受理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
arrive export exchange | |
【青岛市邮政局函件广告局销售部受理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
Departed from Helsinki | |
Reception at custom house | |
【中国邮政集团公司佛山市函件集邮局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Departed USPS Facility | |
Order delivered | |
【中国邮政集团公司佛山市函件集邮局】已封发(国内经转) | |
【福州】Export customs clearance complete | |
Initial item information received | |
计划交航,计划航班号LH8411-LH1488,计划起飞时间 | |
[深圳]【深圳市国际大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
【义乌市国际电子商务分局】已封发 | |
【义乌市国际电子商务分局】已收寄 | |
[深圳]【深圳市国际大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
计划交航,计划航班号TK27-283,计划起飞时间 | |
Delivery attempt | |
【中山市邮政局函件集邮局商函广告公司】已收寄(国内经转) | |
计划交航,计划航班号LH727-2544,计划起飞时间 | |
【中山市邮政局函件集邮局商函广告公司】已封发(国内经转) | |
【福州中转仓】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【东莞市邮政局电商包裹局邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
【东莞市邮政局电商包裹局邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
In lavorazione presso il Centro Operativo Postale | |
In lavorazione presso il Centro Scambi Internazionale | |
【福州中转仓】已封发(国内经转) | |
Shipment arrived at facility Haerbin | |
Customs clearance processing complete | |
【汕头市邮政小包处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Item Arrived at Pulkovo | |
【厦门市大宗邮件集中处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
[广州]【广州互换局】已开拆 | |
【厦门市大宗邮件集中处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
Arrived at USPS Origin Facility | |
【汕头市邮政小包处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
Delivery attempted, unsuccessful | |
Shipment arrived at facility Shanghai | |
Item dispatched out Russian Fed | |
【大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
Posting/Collection | |
【大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
[深圳]【小包中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【金华市小包分局】已封发 | |
【金华市小包分局】已收寄 | |
【南昌市函件局】已封发(国内经转) | |
【长沙县信广中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
【南昌市函件局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【长沙县信广中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Shipment operation completed at facility Shenzhen | |
Dispatch from outward office of exchange | |
【广州国际】已开拆 | |
Handed to customs | |
Posting | |
Shipment scanned at facility Erlianhaote | |
Posted | |
[HKG]Hong Kong - Shipped by air | |
【苏州市大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
[SZX]Received in Shenzhen | |
【苏州市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【开平市邮政局广告公司】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Item being handed over to the airline | |
[深圳]【小包中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
【合肥大宗处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
【合肥大宗处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【郑州】Export customs clearance complete | |
Flight landed to transit destination | |
Successful package pick-up | |
Picked Up | |
Arrival at international office of exchange | |
Item processed Russian Fed | |
Item held by Customs Others | |
【开平市邮政局广告公司】已封发(国内经转) | |
【赣州市大宗邮件集中收集处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
[HEL]Arrived at transferring country - Finland in | |
【赣州市大宗邮件集中收集处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【深圳】Shipped by air | |
Shipment arrived at facility Yiwu | |
[广州]【广州小包大宗收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
[广州]【广州小包大宗收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
[苏州]【中国邮政集团公司苏州市大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
【郑州帐单处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
【郑州帐单处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
[苏州]【中国邮政集团公司苏州市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Reception | |
[金华]【中国邮政集团公司浙江省义乌市邮购配送公司】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【合肥】Export customs clearance complete | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Belarus | |
[HEL]Departed from transferring country -Finland out | |
[SHA]Received in Shanghai | |
Despatch from Sorting Center | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Ukraine | |
[金华]【金华市小包分局】已封发(国内经转) | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Ukraine | |
【中国邮政集团公司泰州市大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
[金华]【金华市小包分局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【中国邮政集团公司泰州市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
[金华]【中国邮政集团公司浙江省义乌市邮购配送公司】已封发(国内经转) | |
[东莞]【东莞市邮政局电商包裹局国际小包处理组】已封发(国内经转) | |
[HEL]Departed from Helsinki | |
[东莞]【东莞市邮政局电商包裹局国际小包处理组】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【无锡邮政局大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
[SHA]Shanghai - Shipped by air | |
Arrival at Sorting Center | |
Your order has been successfully cancelled | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Belarus | |
Item Arrived at Belarus | |
Item Sent to BELARUS | |
Item Sent to UKRAINE | |
【青岛】Export customs clearance complete | |
[泉州]【泉州市邮政函件局】已封发(国内经转) | |
[泉州]【泉州市邮政函件局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【广州】Shipped by air | |
【安吉小包收寄处】已封发(国内经转) | |
【安吉小包收寄处】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Item released from customs | |
【杭州市国际业务局】已封发(国内经转) | |
[北京]【跨境电子商务综合服务中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【杭州市国际业务局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【温州市两包集中收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
[上海]【广商国际小包】已封发(国内经转) | |
【温州市两包集中收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Presa in carico | |
[上海]【广商国际小包】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Item Arrived at Boryspil | |
【武汉】Export customs clearance complete | |
【金华】Shipped by air | |
[北京]【跨境电子商务综合服务中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
Item Sent to ISRAEL | |
Unsuccessful delivery | |
[杭州]【中国邮政集团公司杭州市商务小包业务局】已封发(国内经转) | |
[Haerbin]Shipment operation completed at facility Haerbin | |
Departed from Luxembourg | |
[杭州]【中国邮政集团公司杭州市商务小包业务局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Israel | |
【中国邮政集团公司滁州市分公司函件广告分局】已封发(国内经转) | |
【成都】Export customs clearance complete | |
[Shenzhen]Shipment arrived at facility Shenzhen | |
【中国邮政集团公司滁州市分公司函件广告分局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Israel | |
[南京]【中国邮政集团公司南京市邮政函件局】已封发(国内经转) | |
[南京]【中国邮政集团公司南京市邮政函件局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Delivered | |
【中邮石家庄仓】已收寄(国内经转) | |
[SHENZHEN]交接成功 | |
【佛山市邮政局函件集邮局】已封发(国内经转) | |
[宁波]【中国邮政集团公司宁波市电商包裹局】已封发(国内经转) | |
交易关闭未发货 | |
[宁波]【中国邮政集团公司宁波市电商包裹局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【福州市国际小包收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
[Ekaterinburg MMPO Uch-6 620984]Processing Arrived at the sorting center | |
Shipment operation completed at facility Yiwu | |
Processing,Left the sorting center | |
Shipment information sent to SFC | |
【福州市国际小包收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【广商国际小包】已封发 | |
[Haerbin]Shipment is handed over to airport | |
[ARN]Departed from Stockholm Arlanda Airport | |
【广商国际小包】已收寄 | |
Item processed at Russian Fed | |
【中国邮政集团公司惠州市分公司函件广告局】已封发(国内经转) | |
Received in Hong Kong | |
【中国邮政集团公司惠州市分公司函件广告局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Shipment arrived at facility CAN | |
【许昌市分公司大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
[武汉]【武汉大宗收寄中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
[武汉]【武汉大宗收寄中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
The consignment was posted | |
【东莞】Shipped by air | |
【中邮石家庄仓】已封发(国内经转) | |
【高楼邮政支局】已封发(国内经转) | |
Handed over to Customs | |
Consegnata | |
【南京市邮政局函件广告局】已封发(国内经转) | |
【高楼邮政支局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Processing,Arrived at the place of delivery | |
[东莞]【东莞市邮政局电商包裹局邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
【佛山市邮政局函件集邮局】已收寄 | |
【南京市邮政局函件广告局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Partito dal Centro Scambi Internazionale | |
[东莞]【东莞市邮政局电商包裹局邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
[SVO]Departed from Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport | |
Processing,Left the place of international exchange | |
[无锡]【中国邮政集团公司无锡市大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
[温州]【温州市两包集中收寄中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
Customs clearance,Released by custom house | |
[无锡]【中国邮政集团公司无锡市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
[温州]【温州市两包集中收寄中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Departed from Finland | |
[汕头]【汕头市邮政小包处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【许昌市分公司大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
[汕头]【汕头市邮政小包处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
[金华]【义乌市国际电子商务分局】已封发 | |
【晋江市函件分局】已封发(国内经转) | |
Arrived at post office | |
[金华]【义乌市国际电子商务分局】已收寄 | |
【晋江市函件分局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【无锡】Export customs clearance complete | |
Processing,Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation | |
【宁波市包裹业务局】已封发 | |
Item delivered | |
【宁波市包裹业务局】已收寄 | |
Receive item at office of exchange (Inb) | |
[佛山]【佛山市邮政局函件集邮局】已封发(国内经转) | |
Final delivery | |
【厦门】Export customs clearance complete | |
Parcel arrives airport | |
【珠海大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
【南通邮政局函件局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Item Sent to LATVIA | |
[佛山]【佛山市邮政局函件集邮局】已收寄 | |
Mutual development | |
【义乌市国际电子商务分局】已封发(国内经转) | |
Unsuccessful attempt of delivery,Temporary absence of the addressee | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to USA | |
【珠海大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Latvia | |
【义乌市国际电子商务分局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Shipmnet arrived at destination country | |
Dispatch PreAlert to USA | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Latvia | |
Shipment delivered | |
【梧州河西邮政所】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Item Arrived at Ukraine | |
Gönderi Yurtdışına Sevk Edildi/Item Forwarded to Destination Country | |
【上海】Shipped by air | |
[天津]【大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Uzbekistan | |
Unsuccessful delivery due to Others due to Action: Others | |
【梧州河西邮政所】已封发(国内经转) | |
[天津]【大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Insert item into bag (Otb) | |
交易成功 | |
Processing,Handed to a mail carrier | |
[LUX]Departed from Luxembourg | |
Item Sent to UZBEKISTAN | |
Item Arrived at Moldova | |
【中国邮政集团公司镇江市函件局】已封发(国内经转) | |
【福州】Shipped by air | |
[苏州]【苏州市大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
Item in distribution phase | |
Processing,Arrived at the sorting center | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Uzbekistan | |
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: RU) | |
Item Sent to MOLDOVA | |
【中国邮政集团公司镇江市函件局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
[苏州]【苏州市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Despatched to overseas (Country code: RU) | |
Item Arrived at Istanbul Ataturk | |
Received at Destination Processing Facility | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Moldova | |
Shipment Shipped | |
【泉州】Export customs clearance complete | |
[佛山]【中国邮政集团公司佛山市函件集邮局】已封发(国内经转) | |
Item Sent to TURKEY | |
Parcel arrives hub | |
Deliver item (Inb) | |
[佛山]【中国邮政集团公司佛山市函件集邮局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Moldova | |
Arrival at Processing Center (Country code: RU) | |
【佛山市邮政局函件集邮局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Turkey | |
Parcel customs cleared | |
[无锡]【无锡邮政局大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Send item to domestic location (Inb) | |
[江门]【开平市邮政局广告公司】已封发(国内经转) | |
[广州]【广州国际】已开拆 | |
【长沙】Export customs clearance complete | |
Shipped | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Turkey | |
Customs clearance in the destination country for express; enter the exchange office of the destination country for the postal | |
[江门]【开平市邮政局广告公司】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Item Sent to UNITED STATES | |
【许昌】Export customs clearance complete | |
Forwarding,Redirect | |
【CHANGSHA CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【WEIFANG CITY】 Shipment arrive at WEIFANG CITY distribution center | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03204934 | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: GB) | |
到潍坊市【潍坊转运中心】 | |
The consignment left the logistics hub | |
【JIEYANG CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【】计划交航(国内经转) | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG02994030 | |
【烟台市大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Receive item from customer (Otb) | |
Item received by [GUANGZHOU] Logistics Centre | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Netherlands | |
您的快件已被CD凯旋南城格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
您的快件已被云柜银河金座西门保安室旁【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
Refused delivery | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Bulgaria | |
023 | |
【BEIJING CITY】 Outbound | |
离开【温州市两包集中收寄中心】 | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Italy | |
您的快件被快递员***********取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话***********。 | |
Flight dispatched; transit destination: Switzerland; Flight #:LX139 | |
【QINGDAO CITY】 Shipment arrive at QINGDAO CITY distribution center | |
Agreed delivery to 08.07.2016 from 9:00 to | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Poland | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Brazil | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-12-10 13:45 | |
计划交航,计划航班号CZ355,计划起飞时间14:15 | |
【布拉迪斯拉发合作点】 The shipment is being forwarded, please wait patiently | |
【中国邮政集团公司南京市邮政函件局】已封发 | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Kyrgyzstan | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Kazakhstan | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Canada | |
【中邮衡阳仓】已封发(国内经转) | |
【中国邮政集团公司西安市商函广告局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【Europe Distribution Center】 Shipment arrive at Europe Distribution Center distribution center | |
找不到渠道 | |
Wrong phone number / absence of phone number / fax number instead of phone number | |
Exchanged; Flight#:LH8411-LH1490 | |
请自送或邮寄至广州仓。(备注:请不要通过“速尔公司”邮寄,因不投递到户,建议交邮政EMS邮寄至我仓。 | |
Income | |
Delivery to the recipient failed. A notification will be sent to the recipient | |
【SUQIAN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
武汉市场部 的 武汉市场部小储1 已揽件 | |
No national ID | |
The item has been delivered to the recipient abroad | |
【JIAOZUO CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【431W】 Shipment arrive at the warehouse | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Hungary | |
【哈萨克斯坦阿斯塔纳跨境合作点】 Shipment arrive at 哈萨克斯坦阿斯塔纳跨境合作点 distribution center | |
【南通邮政局函件局】已封发(国内经转) | |
Import clearance failure | |
【ZHAOQING CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Flight dispatched;transit destination: Turkey;Flight #:SQ871 772 | |
Security check failure | |
【Russia】 Departed from local distribution center | |
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: LV) | |
数量达到挂件10件、平件或混装共15件,如符合条件打印面单及封装后,可致电我仓或联系客服旺旺;不达数量或不在范围内需自送或快递至我仓 | |
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: UA) | |
Flight dispatched; transit destination: Malaysia; Flight #:MH079 738 | |
【K31】 Shipment arrive at K31 distribution center | |
Item sorting by shipper in shenzhen | |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用优速快递及兰亭凤栖苑速递易【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | |
您的快件已由涉外聚有超市二楼菜鸟驿站代收。请凭取货码及时取件(查询方式:短信/物流详情页) | |
Return to sender’s address: end of a set storage period | |
Package received by warehouse | |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用中通快递及HN双溪部落丰巢【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | |
中国-广州-【俄速通】已接收 | |
(Country code: BY) | |
【成都市邮政局大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
快件在【呼伦贝尔海拉尔成吉集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【呼伦贝尔】 | |
【QUANZHOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Outlet seal | |
【ZIBO CITY】 Shipment arrive at ZIBO CITY distribution center | |
【GUANGZHOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Item Arrived at Turkey | |
【已签收,签收人是胡冬华】 | |
快件在【泉州Z】装车,正发往【济南Z】,扫描员是【贺青青】 | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: IL) | |
【GANZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Customs check-in | |
Received by line-haul | |
Item received by shipper | |
Received by the postal office of exchange | |
离开【东莞市邮政局电商包裹局国际小包处理组】 | |
Waiting for pick up | |
【中国邮政集团公司佛山市函件集邮局】已封发 | |
到厦门市【厦门转运中心】 | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-11-15 11:14 | |
【上饶市邮政局大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【中国邮政集团公司盐城市大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
【中国邮政集团公司贵阳市分公司】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【Ukraine】 Arrived at the destination country | |
派件已【正常签收】,签收人是【本人】签收网点是【广州244】,录入人是【刘红水】,录入时间:【2017-01-13 10:01】 | |
快件在【齐齐哈尔鹤城集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【呼伦贝尔海拉尔成吉集散中心】 | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: HU) | |
The postal item was delivered to its destination at the secretariat of Tza'alim on 29/12/2016 | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Georgia | |
leave | |
【漳浦县盘陀邮政支局】已封发(国内经转) | |
【PUTIAN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Despatched to overseas (Country code: BY) | |
Import clearance success | |
金华分拨中心发件 | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03019888 | |
Item depart from original country | |
【HANDAN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Departed from transferring country -Finland | |
Will be delivered by Russian Post, tracking number ( ***********944 ) | |
Departed to - Taif Central Post office - AT TAIF | |
Received at warehouse | |
北京市【北京转运中心】,正发往【长沙转运中心】 | |
【Belarus】 Delivery failed.【 Reason: Other】 | |
Item Arrived at USA | |
Awaiting customs clearance and delivery to post | |
【HONGKONG】 Failure to give to the airline 【Reason:Examined by security control】 | |
快件离开北京房山良乡一公司,已发往北京分拨中心 | |
Parcel transferred to courier | |
【SUZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Item Sent to TURKMENISTAN | |
【奥地利维也纳跨境合作点】 The shipment is being forwarded, please wait patiently | |
空港配载启运 | |
您的快件已被云柜3402社区东区【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
Item held by Customs Awaiting presentation to customs commissioner | |
由【浙江义乌公司】发往【浙江义乌商贸城营业部】 | |
【BENGBU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
您的快件已被景山花园e栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
【431R】 Success in giving to the airline | |
【SUQIAN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
出口报关完成 | |
商家未备货 | |
The item is now at customs abroad for determination of any customs duty payable | |
【QINGDAO CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【020R】 Success in giving to the airline | |
青岛市【青岛转运中心】,正发往【潍坊转运中心】 | |
Estimated Delivery:3-7 days | |
【JIEYANG CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【DONGGUAN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG02989846 | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Utd.Arab Emir | |
Processing Left the place of international exchange | |
Announced | |
Item being sent to [GUANGZHOU] Logistics Centre | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Netherlands | |
您的快件已由内蒙古农业大学东区操场南菜鸟驿站代收。请凭取货码及时取件(查询方式:短信/物流详情页) | |
您的快件已由二十四城快递服务站(13幢负1楼37号)菜鸟驿站代收。请凭取货码及时取件(查询方式:短信/物流详情页) | |
其他 | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Bulgaria | |
【芜湖大宗处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
【BEIJING CITY】 Inbound | |
【温州市两包集中收寄中心】已封发 | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Italy | |
Arrival at local post office | |
Departed from transferring country:Departed from transferring country -GB | |
【WUHAN CITY】 Shipment arrive at WUHAN CITY distribution center | |
Parcel not delivered | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Poland | |
【CANGZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at CANGZHOU CITY distribution center | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: MX) | |
1 | |
【巴黎跨境合作点】 Shipment arrive at 巴黎跨境合作点 distribution center | |
【中国邮政集团公司南京市邮政函件局】已收寄 | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-11-23 12:28 | |
Item Arrived at Armenia | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Canada | |
【中邮衡阳仓】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Forwarded,from País in MALASIA / to País in BRASIL / BR | |
Success in giving to the airline | |
Exchanged; Flight#:SU205-SU1864 | |
【Lithuania】 Arrived at the destination country | |
Accepted at USPS Destination Facility | |
Return,Other circumstances | |
Package in transportation | |
Item Sent to CZECH REPUBLIC | |
【Poland】 Arrived at the destination country | |
Held by authorities | |
Ready for pickup at delivery place | |
快件在【焦作丰收集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【济源市天坛区济钢营业点】 | |
Delivery,Delivery to the addressee | |
备货未完成 | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Hungary | |
Item Arrived at Italy | |
Warehouse processing unsuccessful | |
【地拉那跨境合作点】 Shipment arrive at 地拉那跨境合作点 distribution center | |
【ZHAOQING CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG02633119 | |
【Russia】 Arrived at the local distribution center | |
Item Sent to ESTONIA | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to France | |
【CHANGCHUN CITY】 Success in giving to the airline | |
【Russia】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: BY) | |
您的快件已被富田财富广场速递易【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
您已在步行街北口国美电器对面菜鸟驿站完成取件,感谢使用菜鸟驿站,期待再次为您服务。 | |
Arrived at the postal unit for delivery to addressee (shelf no ג-290) | |
客户未备好货 | |
您的快件已被FJ潇湘大厦丰巢【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
Returned from keeping | |
Arrived at the postal unit for delivery to addressee (shelf no ג-910) | |
【成都市邮政局大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
快件在【哈尔滨哈平集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【呼伦贝尔海拉尔成吉集散中心】 | |
【】计划交航 | |
Export open | |
【ZIBO CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
不在范围 | |
【NANNING CITY/CHONGZUO CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
北京市【房山分部】,【懂春生/***********】正在派件 | |
快件到达【泉州Z】,上一站是【福州Z】,扫描员是【石磊】 | |
您的快件已被HB红旗欣居C区一期格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-03-09 10:16 | |
您的快件被快递员***********取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话 | |
Depart from transit country | |
航空启运 | |
【东莞市邮政局电商包裹局国际小包处理组】已封发 | |
【HULUDAO CITY】 Shipment arrive at HULUDAO CITY distribution center | |
北京市【北京转运中心】,正发往【哈尔滨转运中心】 | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03071191 | |
【中国邮政集团公司佛山市函件集邮局】已收寄 | |
厦门市【BEX厦门思明区六部】,正发往【厦门转运中心】 | |
您的快件被快递员梁腾锋取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话***********。 | |
【Europe Distribution Center】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【中国邮政集团公司盐城市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Located at customs: charged with customs fees | |
【NANTONG CITY】 Shipment arrive at NANTONG CITY distribution center | |
Despatched to overseas (Country code: AZ) | |
【ZIBO CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【中国邮政集团公司南平市函件局】已封发(国内经转) | |
快件在【哈尔滨哈平集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【齐齐哈尔鹤城集散中心】 | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: MA) | |
Import of international mail,347936,Taganrog, Rostovskaya obl | |
Departure from SFC warehouse | |
Dispatching abroad from Ukrainian exchange office | |
Arrive | |
【漳浦县盘陀邮政支局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【PUTIAN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
The item has arrived at the recipient´s delivery point. Express to be dispatched to the recipient, other items notified | |
离开【深圳市国际大宗邮件处理中心】 | |
Arrival at transit country | |
到达金华分拨中心 | |
满州里 的 韩孝*********** 正在派件,请保持电话畅通哦 | |
【HANDAN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Under Process | |
客户货未备齐 | |
北京市【BEX北京朝阳区四惠分部】,正发往【北京转运中心】 | |
The item has been sorted at the international terminal in the destination country for onward transport in the destination country | |
【中国邮政集团公司绍兴市商函局】已封发(国内经转) | |
【JIAXING CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
北京房山良乡一公司的要强已收件 | |
Item Arrived at Minsk International 2 | |
【SUZHOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Turkmenistan | |
【巴黎跨境合作点】 The shipment is being forwarded, please wait patiently | |
邮政处理中直封封发 | |
Russia-Ekaterinburg-Customs clearance complete | |
Held by Customs | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: US) | |
快件已到达【浙江义乌公司】 扫描员是【赵会娟】上一站是 | |
【BENGBU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Dispatching from exchange office to Ukrainian postal facility | |
Accepted in Poland | |
【SHANGHAI CITY】 Shipment ready for leaving the warehouse | |
【中邮常德仓】已封发(国内经转) | |
Successfully delivered to the addressee | |
【QINGDAO CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-02-23 10:08 | |
到青岛市【青岛转运中心】 | |
Exchanged | |
【CHANGCHUN CITY】 Shipment ready for leaving the warehouse | |
【Russia】 Arrived at Europe Distribution Center | |
Exchanged; Flight#:T | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Utd.Arab Emir | |
Customs clearance Released by custom house | |
Item deposited | |
Unsuccessful attempt of delivery,Delivery has been postponed at the request of the addressee | |
Outbound failure in sorting center | |
您的快件已被云柜阳光绿苑东大门北侧【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用EMS及JS凤悦天晴格格货栈【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用快捷速递及LN华润海中国3期瞰海园丰巢【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | |
Despatched to overseas (Country code: UZ) | |
【芜湖大宗处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【BEIJING CITY】 Shipment arrive at BEIJING CITY distribution center | |
Flight dispatched;transit destination: Netherlands;Flight #:KL888 | |
【温州市两包集中收寄中心】已收寄 | |
【Europe Distribution Center】 Arrived at Europe Distribution Center | |
Arrived at destination county:Shipment has arrived at the Vitoria postal operator and will be delivered in the coming days | |
【WUHAN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Parcel arrived at the Distribution Center | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: CA) | |
【CANGZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
快件在【沈阳浑南新区集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【大庆世纪集散中心】 | |
Agreed delivery to 08.07.2016 from 9:00 to 21:00 | |
【帕皮提合作点】 Shipment arrive at 帕皮提合作点 distribution center | |
Processing,Transfer to the pantry storage | |
【431R】 Failure to give to the airline | |
Item Sent to ARMENIA | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG02710159 | |
【CHANGCHUN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-02-18 16:46 | |
Item arrived at sorting center in the destination country | |
Departed Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item | |
Delivery Failed | |
【BEX厦门思明区六部】揽收成功 | |
The postal item arrived at the central postal unit in Herzelia on 08/11/2016. Due to its size and/or weight it will be forwarded to the Shikun Darom postal unit to be delivered there | |
Left the place of international exchange | |
【大连大宗收寄中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
【JIAOZUO CITY】 Shipment arrive at JIAOZUO CITY distribution center | |
Arrival at Processing Center (Country code: KZ) | |
Item Sent to ITALY | |
Parcel delivery attempt 1 failed | |
【SHENZHEN CITY】 Delivery failed.【 Reason: 】 | |
On FedEx vehicle for delivery | |
【Russia】 Left the place of international exchange | |
Item Arrived at Estonia | |
Dispatch PreAlert to France | |
【CHANGCHUN CITY】 Shipment arrive at CHANGCHUN CITY distribution center | |
Received by the Brazil Post,Object subject to inspection and delay on delivery | |
数量未达揽收标准(挂10件以上,平20件以上),请自送或寄递(建议使用EMS)到中山市西区富华道35号邮政局函件局赖先生收 | |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用优速快递及钻石华府速递易【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | |
您的快件已由步行街北口国美电器对面菜鸟驿站代收。请凭取货码及时取件(查询方式:短信/物流详情页) | |
Delivered to addressee | |
【中国邮政集团公司徐州市函件局】已封发(国内经转) | |
您的快件已被HN双溪部落丰巢【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
An attempt was made to deliver the item to the addressee | |
【中国邮政集团公司咸宁市函件广告局】已封发(国内经转) | |
快件在【东莞沙田集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【哈尔滨哈平集散中心】 | |
【Warehouse】 Inbound | |
Has been exported mutual seal (domestic) | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: ES) | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-12-03 15:36 | |
到北京市【房山分部】 | |
Disponibile per il ritiro presso il Centro Operativo Postale | |
快件在【福州Z】装车,正发往【泉州Z】,扫描员是【苏小龙】 | |
【CHONGQING CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【东莞市邮政局电商包裹局国际小包处理组】已收寄 | |
Inbound in sorting center | |
到北京市【北京转运中心】 | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-01-18 10:13 | |
由【浙江义乌中转部】发往【浙江义乌公司】 | |
Undergoing processing for delivery to addressee | |
【小包中心】已收寄 | |
您的快件被快递员余敏取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话***********。 | |
【Estonia】 Arrived at the destination country | |
【Poland】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Flight departed from Origin | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Czech Republic | |
【NANTONG CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【BIJIE AREA】 Shipment arrive at BIJIE AREA distribution center | |
Send item to customs (Otb) | |
【中国邮政集团公司南平市函件局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: SA) | |
快件在【沈阳浑南新区集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【哈尔滨哈平集散中心】 | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: CZ) | |
Processing,Arrived to Russian Federation | |
Arrive SFC warehouse in processing | |
禁止品 | |
Sealed hair | |
离开【中国邮政集团公司杭州市商务小包业务局】 | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: CH) | |
【NINGBO CITY】 Shipment arrive at NINGBO CITY distribution center | |
Item available for collection from recipient’s local service point | |
【深圳市国际大宗邮件处理中心】已封发 | |
您的快件已被顺乐家优山美地【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
苏州分拨中心发件 | |
快件到达 满州里 | |
【Russia】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Package is undeliverable due to ACT airline accident | |
Parcel arrived to sorting center | |
The postal item was forwarded on 25/10/2016 for distribution at the settlement of Achihod | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: UA) | |
【BEX北京朝阳区四惠分部】揽收成功 | |
The item has arrived at the international terminal in the destination country for sorting | |
【中国邮政集团公司绍兴市商函局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Redispatching,Redirect | |
Item arrived at office exchange in the destination country | |
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: LT) | |
等待商家电话通知电话通知揽收 | |
【HONGKONG】 Outbound | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Turkmenistan | |
【HONG KONG】 The shipment is being forwarded, please wait patiently | |
Scanned at main SC | |
收寄局收寄 | |
Russia-null-Arrival at destination country | |
邮局中转中心已收件 | |
Item arrived | |
Item Sent to AZERBAIJAN | |
【huadong】 Shipment arrive at the warehouse | |
Income to Ukrainian exchange office | |
Forwarded,from País in SUECIA / to País in BRASIL / BR | |
Item not picked up by courier | |
【中邮常德仓】已收寄(国内经转) | |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用优速快递及SH盘古天地一期速递易【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | |
您的地址不在本市揽收范围内,如您需要在本市发货,请自行寄递(建议使用EMS)到中山市西区富华道35号邮政局函件局赖先生收0760-23325695 | |
离开 [黑龙江_哈尔滨运转中心] 发往 [内蒙古_配送区部_呼伦贝尔分拨站] | |
青岛市【BEX青岛市北区五部】,正发往【青岛转运中心】 | |
【HA'ERBIN CITY】 Shipment arrive at HA'ERBIN CITY distribution center | |
【SHENYANG CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Flight dispatched; transit destination: Sweden; Flight #:SK964 | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-11-14 12:01 | |
【潍坊市大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
【Estonia】 Shipment arrive at Estonia distribution center | |
Item departed from origin | |
您已在中铁骑士公馆小区6栋1楼102室菜鸟驿站完成取件,感谢使用菜鸟驿站,期待再次为您服务 | |
您的快件已被JS凤悦天晴格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
您的快件已被LN华润海中国3期瞰海园丰巢【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: TH) | |
(Country code: UA) | |
请打印面单及封装好后,电话联系我仓020-86691912、86683510、86664099,或我仓客服旺旺,确认申请可上门揽收,谢谢配合!” | |
【HUIZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Item being handed over to the local courier, tracking ended, estimated delivery : 3-7 days | |
【常州市邮政局大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
【已签收,签收人是已送达】 | |
【Russia】 Delivery failed.【 Reason: Failure to contact receiver temporarily.】 | |
Released from customs.:Customs Cleared | |
【WUHAN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Shipment has left transit station | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: EE) | |
【CANGZHOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
The item was sent from Sweden on 08/03/2016 | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2017-02-13 12:28 | |
Processing,Sorting | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-11-16 11:48 | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Armenia | |
【HUAI'AN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
离开【广商国际小包】 | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Portugal | |
Outbound | |
Item received by [SHANGHAI] Logistics Centre | |
Arrive at customs | |
Cleared Customs | |
【Belarus】 Arrived at Europe Distribution Center | |
【CHANGZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【GUILING CITY】 Shipment arrive at GUILING CITY distribution center | |
【大连大宗收寄中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【ZHENGZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Successfully delivered | |
Under export process in China | |
【威海市大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: PL) | |
黑河市【黑河】,【刘学院】正在派件 | |
International shipment release - Import | |
【Russia】 The customs clearance is completed | |
Receive item from customer (Otb),Air,MUMBAI AIRPORT SORTING OFFICE | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-11-15 14:04 | |
【SHENZHEN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2017-01-18 13:23 | |
Due to technical problem, previous tracking information of “hand over to airline” is not correct, please refer to the following | |
Arrived at FedEx location | |
您的包裹己签收 | |
【中国邮政集团公司徐州市函件局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
您的快件已被倚山花园二期速递易1【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
Due to its size or weight a notice was left and the item will be forwarded to the postal unit for delivery | |
【中国邮政集团公司咸宁市函件广告局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
快件在【珠海界涌集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【东莞沙田集散中心】 | |
【FUZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at FUZHOU CITY distribution center | |
Leave, next stop [Hangzhou center] | |
【HENGSHUI CITY】 Shipment arrive at HENGSHUI CITY distribution center | |
Sent to processing center on 2016-12-03 10:50 | |
北京市【北京转运中心】,正发往【房山分部】 | |
In consegna | |
快件到达【福州Z】,上一站是【福州08】,扫描员是【苏小龙】 | |
请打印面单及封装好后,电话联系我仓020-86691912、86683510、86664099,或我仓客服旺旺,确认申请可上门揽收,谢谢配合! | |
【Germany】 Shipment arrive at Germany distribution center | |
【CHONGQING CITY】 Shipment arrive at CHONGQING CITY distribution center | |
【FOSHAN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
带电 | |
Accepted by carrier | |
您的快件被快递员13842653197取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话 | |
Inbound failure in sorting center | |
由【广东深圳罗湖中转部】发往【浙江义乌中转部】 | |
HKG - Package Prohibited | |
离开【南昌市函件局】 | |
您的快件被快递员郭宏博取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话***********。 | |
【WENZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at WENZHOU CITY distribution center | |
Item Arrived at Azerbaijan | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Czech Republic | |
【NANTONG CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Exchanged; Flight#:SU205-SU1832 | |
Return item from customs (Otb) | |
车辆不足 | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-12-14 12:10 | |
快件在【武汉东西湖集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【沈阳浑南新区集散中心】 | |
Item available at pickup point | |
DeliveryDelivery to addressee | |
Return | |
Acceptance, AL 111111 | |
【中国邮政集团公司杭州市商务小包业务局】已封发 | |
【NINGBO CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
The item has been redirected to the recipient´s delivery point | |
【深圳市国际大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄 | |
您的快件已被BJ政馨园一区A格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
到达苏州分拨中心 | |
快件已从 北京 发出 | |
【Belarus】 Customs clearance in progress | |
Sent to processing center on 2016-12-24 09:59 | |
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: MD) | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: RU) | |
【LANGFANG CITY】 Shipment arrive at LANGFANG CITY distribution center | |
Send item abroad (EDI-received) | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03271185 | |
离开【大宗邮件收寄处理中心】 | |
Customs clearance,Returned by custom house | |
【GUANGZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at GUANGZHOU CITY distribution center | |
Parcel delivered | |
【HONG KONG】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
International shipment release - Export | |
【HONG KONG】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【中国邮政集团公司江苏省江阴市邮政函件分局】已封发(国内经转) | |
Sent to processing center on 2016-12-14 07:50 | |
中国-哈尔滨-交航安检成功 | |
邮局中转中心已发件 | |
�̼�δ���� | |
Arrived at Customs | |
【BEIJING CITY】 Shipment ready for leaving the warehouse | |
【中国邮政集团公司宁德市函件局】已封发(国内经转) | |
Submitted to the postman / courier delivery | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Azerbaijan | |
正常入库 | |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用中通快递及FJ潇湘大厦丰巢【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | |
【Ukraine】 Shipment arrive at Ukraine distribution center | |
到达 [黑龙江_哈尔滨运转中心] | |
【已签收,签收人是陈小华】 | |
【BEX青岛市北区五部】揽收成功 | |
The consignment was deposited | |
【HA'ERBIN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【SHENYANG CITY】 Shipment arrive at SHENYANG CITY distribution center | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG02937731 | |
【HUZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at HUZHOU CITY distribution center | |
【潍坊市大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【摩尔多瓦基希讷乌跨境合作点】 The shipment is being forwarded, please wait patiently | |
Processing,Handed to a courier | |
Item is at agent werehouse | |
您的快件已由中铁骑士公馆小区6栋1楼102室菜鸟驿站代收。请凭取货码及时取件(查询方式:短信/物流详情页) | |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用EMS及JS国信世家溪园A格格货栈【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | |
您的快件已被云柜江南翰林轩【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2017-02-11 12:31 | |
Sent from the outward office of exchange | |
【HUIZHOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG02741743 | |
【常州市邮政局大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
扬州市【扬州力宝分部】,【石燕红/***********】正在派件 | |
【HONGKONG】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Arrived at transferring country:Arrived LONDON | |
【SHANTOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at SHANTOU CITY distribution center | |
Ready for dispatch | |
Item Arrived at Chisinau | |
Airline inspection succeeded | |
Handing over personally to an addressee | |
快件在【大庆世纪集散中心】已装车,准备发往下一站 | |
你好!此票重量体积超重超大,请尽快处理,谢谢 | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-02-13 01:23 | |
离开【中国邮政集团公司无锡市大宗邮件处理中心】 | |
不足 | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Armenia | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03139163 | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Portugal | |
Inbound | |
Item being sent to [SHANGHAI] Logistics Centre | |
(Country: UA) | |
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: AM) | |
【CHANGZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at CHANGZHOU CITY distribution center | |
Presa in carico all'estero | |
Item picked up by courier | |
【GUILING CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Sent to processing center on 2016-11-15 11:14 | |
快件在【郑州总集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【焦作丰收集散中心】 | |
Item processed at Italy | |
Parcel stored in point of issue | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-02-17 10:02 | |
【威海市大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Item Sent to TAJIKISTAN | |
到黑河市【黑河】 | |
Delivery option requested | |
【Russia】 Customs clearance in progress | |
The consignment entered the logistics hub | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: LV) | |
【SHENZHEN CITY】 Outbound | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-01-18 06:57 | |
其他原因 | |
您的包裹己到达清河县服务中心出库 | |
Sipariş Sevk Edilmek İçin Hazır/Item Is Ready for Ship | |
您的快件被快递员张科富取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话***********。 | |
Item Arrived at LosAngeles | |
【中国邮政集团公司嘉兴市函件局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
快件在【中山市和穗大道东营业部】已装车,准备发往 【珠海界涌集散中心】 | |
【FUZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Has been sealed | |
【HENGSHUI CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-12-03 10:51 | |
杭州市【杭州转运中心】,正发往【北京转运中心】 | |
Unsuccessful delivery due to Others due to Action: item return to sender | |
快件在【福州08】装车,正发往【福州Z】,扫描员是【欧阳运萍】 | |
卖家自送 | |
overseaWarehouse processing complete | |
The postal item arrived at the central postal unit in Kfar Saba on 28/12/2016. As the addressee does not reside at the address listed on the item, the item will be returned to the sender | |
【FOSHAN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
The large sized postal item arrived at the Central postal unit in Jerusalem. On 31/10/2016 the addressee was notified to present himself at the postal unit and receive the item | |
Received by the sorting center | |
您的快件已被LN闻浪大厦丰巢【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
Submitted to contractor | |
【广东深圳罗湖中转部】正在进行【装袋】扫描 | |
Due to system upgrade, shipping information might get affected. Please ignore the tracking information of 2017-2-27 | |
【南昌市函件局】已封发 | |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用中通总部及香榭峰景苑e栈【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | |
【WENZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
您的快件仍在CDsofa社区格格货栈【自提柜】未取,请及时取件。 | |
【保定市大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
【Ukraine】 Delivery failed.【 Reason: Receiver requires self-pickup of the shipment.】 | |
Gonderi yurtdisina sevk edildi,Send item abroad (EDI-received) | |
Receive item at office of exchange (Otb) | |
Unsuccessful delivery,59/Item forwarded/redirected | |
快件在【孝感汉川市文化路营业点】已装车,准备发往 【武汉东西湖集散中心】 | |
Item presented : addressee absent - message left in addressee's letterbox | |
Available for pickup at the Post Office | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-11-21 12:25 | |
客户原因 | |
Have received | |
【中国邮政集团公司杭州市商务小包业务局】已收寄 | |
计划交航,计划航班号TRUCK-KE604-0529,计划起飞时间00:30 | |
【NINGBO CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
The item has arrived from abroad to Posten´s international terminal for sorting | |
Arrived at the destination postal office | |
您的快件已被云柜银泰花苑【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
济南分拨中心发件 | |
快件已从 包头 发出 | |
未满足起揽数量10件 | |
The postal item arrived at the Hotzot Alonim postal unit in Bat Yam on 30/12/2016 for delivery to the addressee. (מספר מדף ג-5361) | |
【ZHONGSHAN CITY】 Shipment arrive at ZHONGSHAN CITY distribution center | |
Redirect | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-12-24 10:00 | |
【SHENZHEN CITY】 Shipment ready for leaving the warehouse | |
【LANGFANG CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【MAOMING CITY】 Shipment arrive at MAOMING CITY distribution center | |
【大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已封发 | |
Rejected by customs | |
【已签收,签收人是拍照签收】 | |
Out for delivery 1 times | |
Package pick-up failed | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: TR) | |
【中国邮政集团公司江苏省江阴市邮政函件分局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-12-14 07:51 | |
【Russia】 Arrived at the destination country | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: LT) | |
Arrived into the US | |
【BEIJING CITY】 Shipment arrive at the warehouse | |
【中国邮政集团公司宁德市函件局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Azerbaijan | |
China-HangZhou-Successful pick up by post | |
【中国邮政集团公司岳阳市函件广告分局】已封发(国内经转) | |
您的快件已被TJ锋泛国际堤北里格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
【NANJING CITY】 Shipment arrive at NANJING CITY distribution center | |
离开 [沈阳基地] 发往 [黑龙江_哈尔滨运转中心] | |
【Belarus】 Arrived at the destination country | |
Sent to processing center on 2016-12-10 07:49 | |
【HA'ERBIN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【HANGZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Exchanged; Flight#:LH8411-LH1488 | |
Processing Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation | |
Arrive at transit country | |
Processing,Awaiting courier delivery | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-03-04 10:05 | |
您的快件被快递员13850122747取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话 | |
您的快件已被JS国信世家溪园A格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-02-11 07:53 | |
离开【广州小包大宗收寄处理中心】 | |
【Russia】 Shipment transiting to destination country | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG02793607 | |
到扬州市【扬州力宝分部】 | |
Sinotrans-DSS-Package Arriving at Air Hub of Sinotrans in China | |
【SHANTOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Parcel has arrived at the main Distribution Center | |
The postal item arrived at the Hotzot Alonim postal unit in Bat Yam on 08/01/2017 for delivery to the addressee. (מספר מדף ג-2327) | |
【JIAOZUO CITY】 Delivered. Thank you for using SF Express. Looking forward to serving you again | |
正在派送途中,请您准备签收 | |
【Russia】 Delivery failed.【 Reason: 】 | |
【中国邮政集团公司无锡市大宗邮件处理中心】已封发 | |
【CHANGCHUN CITY】 Failure to give to the airline 【Reason:Custom hold】 | |
Storage,Fixed storage time | |
Item Arrived at Czech Republic | |
Undeliverable | |
【YANCHENG CITY】 Shipment arrive at YANCHENG CITY distribution center | |
【LISHUI CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Forwarded,from Unidade de Tratamento in CURITIBA / PR to Unidade Administrativa in RFB - Liberado sem Tributação / BR | |
【台州市建设路支局】已封发(国内经转) | |
Arrive at destination country | |
【HAIKOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Item Sent to LITHUANIA | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-12-13 12:17 | |
【GUILING CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: BG) | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-11-15 11:15 | |
【ZHENGZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at ZHENGZHOU CITY distribution center | |
湘潭市【湘潭市区十部】,【谭建】正在派件 | |
Arrived | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2017-02-18 11:08 | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Tajikistan | |
内蒙古满洲里公司的派件已签收 ,签收人是PDA图片签收 | |
【HUZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【Europe Distribution Center】 Shipment transiting to destination country | |
Departure from inward OE | |
bz | |
【SHENZHEN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【景德镇市大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
您的快件仍在SX万达天玺B格格货栈【自提柜】未取,请及时取件。 | |
Parcel arrives pickup point A | |
Left FedEx origin facility | |
您的包裹己到达清河县服务中心 | |
【WEIHAI CITY】 Shipment arrive at WEIHAI CITY distribution center | |
客户自送 | |
您的快件已被CQ锦绣丽舍二期速递易【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
【HONGKONG】 Shipment arrive at HONGKONG distribution center | |
(Country code: KZ) | |
【中邮株洲仓】已封发(国内经转) | |
Released from RF customs | |
【FUZHOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Acceptance, Kozel`sk 249720 | |
【HENGSHUI CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Processing | |
到达目的地国家,来自CN(华南快邮跟踪信息结束) | |
到杭州市【杭州转运中心】 | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03222987 | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: KZ) | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: GR) | |
Please contact us for re-delivery: Email: [email protected], Tel: 8-800-234-22-40 | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03059744 | |
Arrived to Russian Federation | |
【中邮沈阳仓】已封发(国内经转) | |
超出揽收服务区域 | |
【邢台市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
您的地址不在本市揽收范围内,如您需在本市线上发货,请自行寄递(建议使用EMS)到中山市西区富华道35号邮政局函件局赖先生收***********5 | |
您的快件已被天一家园9栋架空层【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
Return,Storage life is expired | |
【深圳罗湖龙华龙胜分部】的收件员【吕杨林】已收件 | |
分拣中心已收件 | |
【南昌市函件局】已收寄 | |
您的快件已被云山居速递易【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
【WENZHOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
您的快件已被CDsofa社区格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
【保定市大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
数量挂件10件、平件或混装共15件,如符合条件打印面单及封装后,可致电我仓或联系客服旺旺;不达数量或不在范围内需自送或快递至我仓。 | |
【Warehouse】 Outbound | |
Gonderi yurt disina sevk edildi (Giden),The item was forwarded to the destination country (Otb) | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-11-19 11:23 | |
Will be delivered by Russian Post, tracking number ( ***********648 ) | |
顺丰速运 已收取快件 | |
ProcessingArrived at the place of delivery | |
【中邮南充仓】已封发(国内经转) | |
The item has been dispatched from Direct Link's international terminal for onward transport to the country of destination | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03282940 | |
【龙岩市大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to United Kingdom | |
哈尔滨市【哈尔滨转运中心】,正发往【黑河】 | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG02990424 | |
您已在成都大学菜鸟驿站完成取件,感谢使用菜鸟驿站,期待再次为您服务。 | |
到达济南分拨中心 | |
快件已从 武汉中转部 发出 | |
商家自送 | |
Out for Delivery | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-12-08 11:38 | |
【ZHONGSHAN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Unsuccessful delivery due to Others due to Action: Retour | |
【Lithuania】 Delivery failed.【 Reason: Other】 | |
中国-上海-【俄速通】已接收 | |
Processing,Left the place of reception | |
【LANGFANG CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
您的快件已被HZ泊林印象格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
【MAOMING CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已收寄 | |
广州市【广州新华景站】,【黄舒琦/***********】正在派件 | |
Parcel left the transit point | |
【DONGGUAN CITY】 Shipment arrive at DONGGUAN CITY distribution center | |
Sent to processing center on 2016-11-29 10:44 | |
【Belarus】 Delivered. Thank you for using SF Express. Looking forward to serving you again | |
【Russia】 Delivered. Thank you for using SF Express. Looking forward to serving you again | |
Despatched to overseas (Country code: UA) | |
Awaiting International flight-Airline Inspection | |
Customer's order information generated | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-11-01 12:08 | |
外环 | |
【中国邮政集团公司岳阳市函件广告分局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
您的快件已被SH盘古天地一期速递易【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
【NANJING CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
到达 [沈阳基地] | |
【Russia】 Shipment arrive at Russia distribution center | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-12-10 07:50 | |
【ZHENJIANG CITY】 Shipment arrive at ZHENJIANG CITY distribution center | |
【HANGZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at HANGZHOU CITY distribution center | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03005490 | |
Successful delivery | |
Undeliverable in destination country | |
Departure from Transit Office | |
Delivered to the destination Post | |
您的快件仍在FJ观风亭新苑1区A格格货栈【自提柜】未取,请及时取件 | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: DE) | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03335318 | |
【广州小包大宗收寄处理中心】已封发 | |
【XIAMEN CITY】 Shipment arrive at XIAMEN CITY distribution center | |
【United States】 The shipment is being forwarded, please wait patiently | |
离开【跨境电子商务综合服务中心】 | |
扬州市【扬州集散中心】,正发往【扬州力宝分部】 | |
Sent to processing center on 2016-12-13 11:18 | |
【SHANTOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Parcel sent to the main Distribution Center | |
【JI'AN CITY】 Shipment arrive at JI'AN CITY distribution center | |
快件派送不成功(已与收方客户约定新派送时间 2016-10-17 18:19:00),待再次派送 | |
【SHENZHEN CITY】 Delivered. Thank you for using SF Express. Looking forward to serving you again | |
【SHAOXING CITY】 Shipment arrive at SHAOXING CITY distribution center | |
【中国邮政集团公司无锡市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄 | |
【JIAXING CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Public offer being sent, waiting for consignee to confirm | |
Received at Operations Facility | |
The postal item was delivered to its destination at the settlement of Achihod on 02/11/2016 | |
【SUZHOU CITY】 Delivered. Thank you for using SF Express. Looking forward to serving you again | |
【YANCHENG CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【LISHUI CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Parcel not arrived to sorting center | |
【台州市建设路支局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Received by line-haul successful | |
【HEYUAN CITY】 Shipment arrive at HEYUAN CITY distribution center | |
【Germany】 Delivered. Thank you for using SF Express. Looking forward to serving you again | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Lithuania | |
Sent to processing center on 2016-12-13 08:17 | |
【Latvia】 Arrived at the place of delivery, please go to pick up with notice letter | |
Customer unavailable while phone call or delivery attempt | |
【ZHAOQING CITY】 Shipment arrive at ZHAOQING CITY distribution center | |
快件在【东莞沙田集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【郑州总集散中心】 | |
离开【青岛市邮政局函件广告局销售部受理中心】 | |
到湘潭市【湘潭市区十部】 | |
Sent from the sorting area | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-02-18 04:09 | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Tajikistan | |
内蒙古满洲里公司的周伟***********正在派件 | |
【HUZHOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【DONGGUAN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Consignment posting number (reference code) assigned in the Czech Republic | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Kyrgyzstan | |
【SHENZHEN CITY】 Inbound | |
您的快件已被SX万达天玺B格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
外地 | |
Departed FedEx location | |
您的快件已由黔南幼专综合楼教学楼菜鸟驿站代收。请凭取货码及时取件(查询方式:短信/物流详情页) | |
【WEIHAI CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
您的地址不在本市揽收范围内,如您需要在本市发货,请自行寄递(建议使用EMS)到中山市西区富华道35号邮政局函件局赖先生收 | |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用优速快递及CQ阳光美地速递易【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | |
【NANCHANG CITY】 Shipment arrive at NANCHANG CITY distribution center | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: RO) | |
【中邮株洲仓】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Handed over to the customs | |
【Russia】 Delivery failed.【 Reason: Other】 | |
Received and sent | |
包裹超重 | |
Unsuccessful attempt of delivery,Other | |
Flight dispatched;transit destination: Belgium;Flight #:SU213 77W | |
【BEX杭州下城区七部】揽收成功 | |
【LONGYAN CITY】 Shipment arrive at LONGYAN CITY distribution center | |
Delivered to the addressee | |
Re-forwarding to new address | |
【SHANGHAI CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-11-29 10:45 | |
【中邮沈阳仓】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Parcel arrived at the regional hub | |
【431W】 Shipment ready for leaving the warehouse | |
【CHANGCHUN CITY】 Shipment arrive at the warehouse | |
Sent to destination country | |
您的快件已被云柜凤凰台新村【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
您的快件已被JS天润城第二街区格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
【丽水市府前邮政支局】已封发(国内经转) | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2017-03-02 14:53 | |
Shipment operation completed at facility CAN | |
您的快件被快递员贺德文取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话***********。 | |
【K61】 Inbound | |
您已在大兴郡2期北门向西15米菜鸟驿站完成取件,感谢使用菜鸟驿站,期待再次为您服务。 | |
【南阳市大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
【CHANGCHUN CITY】 Failure to give to the airline 【Reason:Examined by security control】 | |
【欧洲转运中心】 Shipment arrive at 欧洲转运中心 distribution center | |
Gonderi musteriden alinmistir,Receive item from customer (Otb) | |
数量达到挂件10件、平件或混装共15件,如符合条件打印面单及封装后,可致电我仓或联系客服旺旺,不达数量或不在范围内需自送或快递至我仓 | |
【Poland】 Delivered. Thank you for using SF Express. Looking forward to serving you again | |
Forwarded for delivery within Russia | |
ProcessingLeft the sorting center | |
【中邮南充仓】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【Belarus】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【龙岩市大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Dispatch PreAlert to United Kingdom | |
到哈尔滨市【哈尔滨转运中心】 | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: FI) | |
Departed from local distribution center | |
【ZHUMADIAN CITY】 Shipment arrive at ZHUMADIAN CITY distribution center | |
聊城东昌府区开发区蒋官屯镇发件 | |
快件到达 武汉中转部 | |
Item Arrived at Afonso Pena International Airport | |
Sorting Complete | |
Sent to processing center on 2016-12-08 07:53 | |
【ZHONGSHAN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Fixed storage time | |
【Lithuania】 Arrived at the place of delivery, please go to pick up with notice letter | |
您的快件仍在HZ泊林印象格格货栈【自提柜】未取,请及时取件。 | |
Pending the issuance of a destination | |
【SHANGHAI CITY】 Shipment arrive at the warehouse | |
【MAOMING CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Unsuccessful attempt of delivery,The addressee will pick up postal item himself | |
到广州市【广州新华景站】 | |
General delivery agreed | |
Information Received (This is not an acknowledgment of the physical receipt of the stated Registered Article) | |
Departed Operations facility – In Transit | |
Sent from the collection center | |
【SHENZHEN CITY】 Shipment arrive at SHENZHEN CITY distribution center | |
Russia-Tixoreck,352125-Wait for self pickup | |
The postal item arrived at the Solomon Center postal unit in Modiin on 17/01/2017 for delivery to the addressee. (מספר מדף ג-1372) | |
Item received by [SHENZHEN] Logistics Centre | |
Parcel customs cleared failed | |
数量未达揽收标准或地址不在本市揽收范围内,请自送或寄递(建议使用EMS)到中山市西区富华道35号邮政局函件局赖先生收0760-23325695 | |
China-HangZhou-Package received by shipper | |
商家未备货完成 | |
您的快件已被摩天石小区2期【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
【NANJING CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
离开 [无锡基地] 发往 [沈阳基地] | |
【CHANGCHUN CITY】 Outbound | |
Customs clearance, Released by custom house, Kozel`sk 249720 | |
【ZHENJIANG CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【JINHUA CITY】 Shipment arrive at JINHUA CITY distribution center | |
The postal item arrived at the Rishon Letzion postal unit in Rishon Letzion. The addressee was notified for the second time on 25/01/2017 to claim the item at the postal unit. (מספר מדף ג-2869) | |
Delivery,To the addressee by a mail carrier | |
快件在【烟台Z】装车,正发往【莱阳F】,扫描员是【辛宗顺】 | |
到达目的国 | |
您的快件已被FJ观风亭新苑1区A格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: SK) | |
Forwarded by air transport | |
【广州小包大宗收寄处理中心】已收寄 | |
【XIAMEN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【Netherlands】 The shipment is being forwarded, please wait patiently | |
【跨境电子商务综合服务中心】已封发 | |
到扬州市【扬州集散中心】 | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-12-13 11:19 | |
The item was unclaimed after an attempt to deliver it to the addressee on 31/10/2016 and it will be returned to the sender | |
Parcel is clearing customs | |
【JI'AN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
正在派送途中,请您准备签收(派件人:李剑峰,电话:***********) | |
Item Arrived at Uzbekistan | |
【SHAOXING CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
离开【中山市邮政局函件集邮局商函广告公司】 | |
【JIAXING CITY】 Shipment arrive at JIAXING CITY distribution center | |
【Ukraine】 Delivery failed.【 Reason: Wrong or Invaild address (includes relocation of customer's address)】 | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: AM) | |
【中国邮政集团公司苏州市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄 | |
【YANCHENG CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【HUIZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at HUIZHOU CITY distribution center | |
Arrived at local post office | |
Security check success | |
【HEYUAN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【Germany】 The shipment is being forwarded, please wait patiently | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Lithuania | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-12-13 08:18 | |
【Latvia】 Delivery failed.【 Reason: Other】 | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: MD) | |
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: KZ) | |
快件在【东莞大朗集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【东莞沙田集散中心】 | |
【青岛市邮政局函件广告局销售部受理中心】已封发 | |
湘潭市【湘潭集散仓】,正发往【湘潭市区十一部】 | |
Parcel arrived in sort center | |
快件已签收,感谢您使用中通快递 | |
【漳州蓝田国际大宗处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Loaded to Locker | |
快件到达内蒙古满洲里公司,正在分捡中 ,上一站是哈尔滨分拨中心 | |
【SHANGHAI CITY】 Outbound | |
The consignment was accepted by post office of exchange | |
【YANGJIANG CITY】 Shipment arrive at YANGJIANG CITY distribution center | |
【MOW01A】 Arrived at the destination country | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG02665738 | |
您的快件已被SX蓝水假日格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
Failure to cancel your order | |
Picked up,Package received after FedEx cutoff | |
已签收,签收人是本人 | |
【WEIHAI CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Successful departure from overseaWarehouse | |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用百世总部及景山花园e栈【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | |
【NANCHANG CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Exported | |
【中国邮政集团公司济南市函件广告局大宗业务】已封发(国内经转) | |
Registered | |
【Ukraine】 Delivered. Thank you for using SF Express. Looking forward to serving you again | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03060755 | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: BR) | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG02898987 | |
杭州市【BEX杭州下城区七部】,正发往【杭州转运中心】 | |
【LONGYAN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【WUXI CITY】 Shipment arrive at WUXI CITY distribution center | |
Exchanged; Flight#:4B6478 | |
Not handed over during delivery | |
您的地址不在本市揽收范围内,如您需在本市线上发货,请自行寄递(建议使用EMS)到中山市西区富华道35号邮政局函件局赖先生收 | |
【BAISHAN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
货件发往目的国邮局 | |
您的快件被快递员15973729985取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话 | |
您的快件已被民乐居【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
【丽水市府前邮政支局】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-03-02 04:15 | |
Parcel depart from hub | |
北京市【BEX北京西城区世通分部】,正发往【北京转运中心】 | |
您的快件已由大兴郡2期北门向西15米菜鸟驿站代收。请凭取货码及时取件(查询方式:短信/物流详情页) | |
【南阳市大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Rejected by authorities | |
Problem encountered at call center | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-12-12 13:04 | |
【Poland】 Delivery failed.【 Reason: Other】 | |
您的快件已被JS东方天郡西区丰巢【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
Due to its size or weight an SMS was sent to the addresse and the item will be forwarded to the postal unit for delivery | |
The item was sent from Sweden on | |
Sent abroad | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-03-13 10:21 | |
离开【金华市小包分局】 | |
Warehouse processing unsuccessful-Check | |
Item Arrived at Kazakhstan | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2017-02-22 12:57 | |
离开【泉州市邮政函件局】 | |
【ZHUMADIAN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
武汉市场部 的 小储3-宝莱如情专卖 已揽件 | |
Item Sent to BRAZIL | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-12-08 07:54 | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Estonia | |
Order has been Cancelled | |
【HUAI'AN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Célországba elküldve / Item sent abroad | |
Russia-Vladimir,600026-Wait for self pickup | |
【JIANGMEN CITY】 Shipment arrive at JIANGMEN CITY distribution center | |
【CHAOZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
The shipment has been sent from origin country | |
广州市【广州夏良转运中心】,正发往【广州新华景站】 | |
【SHAOXING CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【中山市邮政局函件集邮局商函广告公司】已封发 | |
【昆明市大宗邮件收寄中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
Please contact us for re-delivery: Email: [email protected], Tel | |
Received at Origin Facility | |
passed customs clearance | |
【HONGKONG】 Success in giving to the airline | |
【HULUDAO CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
中国-哈尔滨-中邮完成交寄 | |
The postal item arrived at the central postal unit in Modiin on 16/01/2017. Due to its size and/or weight it will be forwarded to the Solomon Center postal unit to be delivered there | |
Item being sent to [SHENZHEN] Logistics Centre | |
未满足起揽数量 | |
您的快件被快递员刘平安取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话***********。 | |
您已在涉外聚有超市二楼菜鸟驿站完成取件,感谢使用菜鸟驿站,期待再次为您服务。 | |
Predes-Item connected to receptacle | |
地址不在揽收范围 | |
您的快件已被JS桂花园速递易【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
数量未达揽收标准(挂10件以上,平20件以上),请自送或寄递(建议使用EMS)到中山市西区富华道35号邮政局函件局赖先生收0760-23325695 | |
到达 [无锡基地] | |
【CHANGCHUN CITY】 Failure to give to the airline 【Reason:Security hold】 | |
【SHANGHAI CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Handed over to customs, Kozel`sk 249720 | |
【ZHENJIANG CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【JINHUA CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
The postal item arrived at the Rishon Letzion postal unit in Rishon Letzion on 19/01/2017 for delivery to the addressee. (מספר מדף ג-2869) | |
您的快件仍在HB红旗欣居C区一期格格货栈【自提柜】未取,请及时取件。 | |
Despatched to overseas (Country code: KZ) | |
快件到达【烟台Z】,上一站是【济南Z】,扫描员是【曾胜银】 | |
Depart from Overseas Processing Facility | |
【HEFEI CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
您的快件被快递员15081701611取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话 | |
【JIANGMEN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Dispatched from the sorting center | |
离开【武汉大宗收寄中心】 | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-11-17 12:00 | |
【XIAMEN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【SHIJIAZHUANG CITY】 Shipment arrive at SHIJIAZHUANG CITY distribution center | |
【跨境电子商务综合服务中心】已收寄 | |
苏州市【苏州转运中心】,正发往【扬州集散中心】 | |
【010W】 Success in giving to the airline | |
The postal item arrived at the babushka postal unit in Bat Yam on 31/10/2016 for delivery to the addressee. (מספר מדף ג-1239) | |
【JI'AN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【JIAOZUO CITY】 Delivery failed.【 Reason: 】 | |
离开【中国邮政集团公司泰州市大宗邮件处理中心】 | |
【新喀里多尼亚努美阿跨境合作点】 Shipment arrive at 新喀里多尼亚努美阿跨境合作点 distribution center | |
In the delivery process | |
已签收,感谢使用顺丰,期待再次为您服务 | |
【LONGYAN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Despatching | |
快件在【东莞沙田集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【沈阳浑南新区集散中心】 | |
Item Arrived at Georgia | |
Package sent | |
Unclaimed in Locker | |
Customs cleared successfully | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03210183 | |
离开【中国邮政集团公司浙江省义乌市邮购配送公司】 | |
数量未达揽收标准(挂10件,平20件),请自送或者自行寄递(建议使用EMS)到中山市西区富华道35号邮政局函件局赖先生收***********5 | |
【HEYUAN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【France】 The shipment is being forwarded, please wait patiently | |
液体 | |
Item outbound | |
Arrived at office of exchange | |
【Latvia】 Arrived at the destination country | |
您的快件已由政苑小区东田造型对面23至25排巷内菜鸟驿站代收。请凭取货码及时取件(查询方式:短信/物流详情页) | |
In the P.O.Box | |
快件在【东莞凤岗凤岗五金城营业部】已装车,准备发往 【东莞大朗集散中心】 | |
【青岛市邮政局函件广告局销售部受理中心】已收寄 | |
到湘潭市【湘潭集散仓】 | |
Customs is over | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03140127 | |
【漳州蓝田国际大宗处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
包裹超大 | |
快件离开哈尔滨分拨中心,已发往内蒙古满洲里公司 | |
【SHANGHAI CITY】 Inbound | |
The consignment was sent to the Czech Republic | |
【YANGJIANG CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【CHANGCHUN CITY】Airline inspection succeeded | |
The postal item arrived at the Haifa West postal unit in Haifa. The addressee was notified on 17/01/2017 to claim the item at the postal unit. (מספר מדף ג-1513) | |
您的快件已被云柜御花园【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
【长春国际小包集中收寄处】已封发(国内经转) | |
At local FedEx facility | |
【浙江义乌公司】的派件员【宣仁生1】正在派件 | |
【HEFEI CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Delivered to the post office | |
您的快件已被CQ阳光美地速递易【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
【NANCHANG CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03261939 | |
【中国邮政集团公司济南市函件广告局大宗业务】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Russia-Bryansk,241013-Wait for self pickup | |
【Ukraine】 Arrived at the place of delivery, please go to pick up with notice letter | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-12-06 12:38 | |
【洛阳市大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
到广州市【广州夏良转运中心】 | |
Pending the approval of delivery date and time | |
【WUXI CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【景德镇市大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
Waiting for client | |
Send item abroad (EDI-received),Air,MUMBAI AIRPORT SORTING OFFICE | |
【BAISHAN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
Item Arrived at Amsterdam-Schiphol | |
您的快件已被HB青青美庐丰巢【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
您已在重庆华润二十四城二期店完成取件,感谢使用菜鸟驿站,期待再次为您服务。 | |
您已在政苑小区东田造型对面23至25排巷内完成取件,感谢使用菜鸟驿站,期待再次为您服务。 | |
【HUAIHUA CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【BEX北京西城区世通分部】揽收成功 | |
已签收,签收人凭取货码签收。感谢使用顺丰速运及富荣大厦速递易【自提柜】,期待再次为您服务。 | |
Received into final destination country | |
【石狮邮政商函公司】已封发(国内经转) | |
您已在中铁骑士公馆小区6栋1楼102室菜鸟驿站完成取件,感谢使用菜鸟驿站,期待再次为您服务。 | |
Sent to processing center on 2016-12-12 07:40 | |
Parcel is out for delivery 1 times | |
郑州 | |
未满足起揽数量地址不在揽收范围 | |
Arrived at the postal unit for delivery to addressee (shelf no ג-1072) | |
The postal item was forwarded on 06/10/2016 for distribution at the settlement of Achihod | |
Despatched to overseas (Country code: AM) | |
Item was uplifted to flight to destination country | |
Delivery,To addressee with answer control | |
Item Sent to KAZAKHSTAN | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-02-22 07:51 | |
【泉州市邮政函件局】已封发 | |
【ZHUMADIAN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【哈萨克斯坦阿斯塔纳跨境合作点】 The shipment is being forwarded, please wait patiently | |
等待商家集货 | |
Estimated Delivery:7-15 days | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Estonia | |
【TIANJIN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【HUAI'AN CITY】 Shipment arrive at HUAI'AN CITY distribution center | |
Küldemény postai átvétele a küldő országban / Item accepted in origin country | |
【CHANGSHA CITY】 Shipment arrive at CHANGSHA CITY distribution center | |
【JIANGMEN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【CHAOZHOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
The shipment has been collected | |
【中国邮政集团公司泰州市大宗邮件处理中心】已封发 | |
【Estonia】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【已签收,签收人是代理点】 | |
【摩尔多瓦基希讷乌跨境合作点】 Shipment arrive at 摩尔多瓦基希讷乌跨境合作点 distribution center | |
【中山市邮政局函件集邮局商函广告公司】已收寄 | |
【昆明市大宗邮件收寄中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【中国邮政集团公司嘉兴市函件局】已封发(国内经转) | |
Record created | |
Submitted to the customs | |
【Russia】 Arrived at the place of delivery, please go to pick up with notice letter | |
【HULUDAO CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【中国邮政集团公司湖州市商函广告分公司】已封发(国内经转) | |
Item being handed over to the local courier, tracking ended, estimated delivery : 7-15 days | |
【K30】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
商家为备货完成 | |
您的快件被快递员李取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话***********。 | |
您的包裹己到达菜鸟测试县站点出库 | |
(Country code: RU) | |
【南岸区客户服务中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
广东省茂名市化州市公司 已收入 | |
等待商家电话通知上门揽收 | |
离开 [江苏_配送区部_昆山分拨站] 发往 [无锡基地] | |
正在派送途中,请您准备签收(派件人:闫文辉,电话:***********) | |
【QUANZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at QUANZHOU CITY distribution center | |
Arrival exchange | |
【JINHUA CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
The postal item arrived at the central postal unit in Rishon Letzion on 17/01/2017. Due to its size and/or weight it will be forwarded to the Rishon Letzion postal unit to be delivered there | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: CO) | |
快件在【济南Z】装车,正发往【烟台Z】,扫描员是【石红卫】 | |
Processing,Arrived at the place of international exchange | |
Dispatch PreAlert to Germany | |
您的快件已被BJ北京新天地一期格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
【YANGJIANG CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
离开分拣中心 | |
【武汉大宗收寄中心】已封发 | |
Outbound in sorting center | |
【SHIJIAZHUANG CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【广州互换局】已出口开拆 | |
到苏州市【苏州转运中心】 | |
Return,Refusal of the addressee | |
An attempt was made to deliver the item to the addressee on 11/10/2016 (מספר מדף ג-130) | |
Parcel has cleared customs | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: FR) | |
快件派送不成功(因休息日或假期客户不便收件),待工作日再次派送 | |
【洛阳市大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
The consignment is being transported to the delivering post office | |
正在派送途中,请您准备签收(派件人:杨俊辉,电话:***********) | |
物流订单创建 | |
Processing,Left international office of exchange | |
快件在【中山三角集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【东莞沙田集散中心】 | |
Item Sent to GEORGIA | |
Despatched to overseas (Country code: TM) | |
Item posting | |
Departure to country of destination | |
Unsuccessful delivery due to Addressee requested later delivery due to Action: Others | |
The shipment item is under transportation, The item has been dispatched from Direct Link's international terminal for onward transport to the country of destination | |
【中国邮政集团公司浙江省义乌市邮购配送公司】已封发 | |
Leave the transit coutry | |
齐签收 | |
Handing over by warrant | |
请自送或邮寄至广州仓。(备注:请不要通过“速尔公司”邮寄,因不投递到户,建议交邮政EMS邮寄至我仓 | |
Arrival at Processing Center (Country code: AM) | |
【RIX01W】 Shipment transiting to destination country | |
您的快件已被云柜华佳梅苑东区【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
Attempted to delivery | |
Russia-Ekaterinburg-Arrival at destination country | |
长沙市【长沙转运中心】,正发往【湘潭集散仓】 | |
Parcel transferred to the customs | |
Package is abandoned in overseaWarehouse | |
【BEIJING CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
快件到达哈尔滨分拨中心,正在分捡中 ,上一站是北京分拨中心 | |
Send item to customs (Inb) | |
【SHANGHAI CITY】 Shipment arrive at SHANGHAI CITY distribution center | |
����� | |
【Europe Distribution Center】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Exchanged; Flight#:U6750 | |
您的快件已被HZ寰宇天下C区格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
【长春国际小包集中收寄处】已收寄(国内经转) | |
At FedEx origin facility | |
【浙江义乌公司】已收入 | |
【HEFEI CITY】 Shipment arrive at HEFEI CITY distribution center | |
Transmission for delivery | |
您的快件仍在GZ保利麓苑格格货栈【自提柜】未取,请及时取件。 | |
【Belarus】 Shipment arrive at Belarus distribution center | |
Ready for self pickup | |
【中国邮政集团公司扬州市大宗邮件收寄处理中】已封发(国内经转) | |
Arrived at destination sort facility on 2016-11-18 12:18 | |
【Ukraine】 The customs clearance is completed | |
Sent to processing center on 2016-12-06 07:47 | |
Depart for delivery to addressee | |
Airline departure | |
潍坊市【潍坊转运中心】,正发往【广州转运中心】 | |
Parcel is ready for dispatch | |
【WUXI CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
【HENGYANG CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【烟台市大宗邮件收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
Insert item into bag (Otb),Air,MUMBAI AIRPORT SORTING OFFICE | |
Open and open | |
Item Sent to NETHERLANDS | |
您的快件被快递员15276627076取出,请等待快递员与您联系,电话 | |
您的快件仍在云柜银河金座西门保安室旁【自提柜】未取,请及时取件。 | |
Product Delivered (Country code: KZ) | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2017-03-02 04:00 | |
【BEIJING CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
您的快件已被富荣大厦速递易【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
Departed from sorting hub | |
【石狮邮政商函公司】已收寄(国内经转) | |
您的快件仍在FJ观风亭新苑1区A格格货栈【自提柜】未取,请及时取件。 | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-12-12 07:41 | |
Unsuccessful attempt | |
Item Sent to POLAND | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Brazil | |
Shipment confirmation | |
【布拉迪斯拉发合作点】 Delivered. Thank you for using SF Express. Looking forward to serving you again | |
离开【中国邮政集团公司南京市邮政函件局】 | |
Item Sent to KYRGYZSTAN | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Kazakhstan | |
Item Sent to CANADA | |
【泉州市邮政函件局】已收寄 | |
【中国邮政集团公司西安市商函广告局】已封发(国内经转) | |
Exchanged; Flight#:TRUCK2-X118-MU591 | |
【Latvia】 Shipment arrive at Latvia distribution center | |
【TIANJIN CITY】 Shipment arrive at TIANJIN CITY distribution center | |
【SUQIAN CITY】 Shipment arrive at SUQIAN CITY distribution center | |
Parcel being signed receipt by customer | |
【CHANGSHA CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
【WEIFANG CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
正在派送途中,请您准备签收(派件人:王朝阳,电话:***********) | |
【中国邮政集团公司泰州市大宗邮件处理中心】已收寄 | |
【Estonia】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
您的快件已由重师南门口水刘店楼上菜鸟驿站代收。请凭取货码及时取件(查询方式:短信/物流详情页) | |
Arrival at Destination Post (Country: BY) | |
In transit to destination post hub | |
【FOSHAN CITY】 Shipment arrive at FOSHAN CITY distribution center | |
Shipment Update | |
Arrived in the sorting center | |
【HONG KONG】 Shipment arrive at HONG KONG distribution center | |
Adopted mailing to send | |
【中国邮政集团公司湖州市商函广告分公司】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【huadong】 Shipment ready for leaving the warehouse | |
等待商家电话通知揽收 | |
您的快件已被山水华庭(黄石)速递易【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
您的包裹己到达菜鸟测试县站点 | |
【南岸区客户服务中心】已收寄(国内经转) | |
您的快件已被SH微系统与信息技术研究所正门e栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
【SHENZHEN CITY】 Shipment arrive at the warehouse | |
已取件,到达 [江苏_配送区部_昆山分拨站] | |
快件在【呼伦贝尔】已装车,准备发往 【呼伦贝尔市满洲里市鑫华源小区营业点】 | |
【QUANZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
Processing, Arrived at the territory of the Russian Federation, Kozel`sk 249720 | |
不在揽收范围 | |
【GUANGZHOU CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station | |
The postal item arrived at the central postal unit in Rishon Letzion on 16/01/2017. Due to its size and/or weight it will be forwarded to the postal unit closest to the addressee to be delivered there | |
Item detained (unfit for Airmail delivery). Please contact the company you made this purchase from | |
快件到达【济南Z】,上一站是【泉州Z】,扫描员是【安林海】 | |
超大 | |
departed from export center | |
Outbound clearance start | |
Return item from customs (Inb) | |
Dispatched by the postal office of exchange | |
【武汉大宗收寄中心】已收寄 | |
Arrive at destination county | |
【SHIJIAZHUANG CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
离开【中国邮政集团公司佛山市函件集邮局】 | |
厦门市【厦门转运中心】,正发往【苏州转运中心】 | |
Address changed | |
Sent to processing center on 2016-11-15 11:13 | |
【上饶市邮政局大宗邮件集中收寄处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
Passport data obtained via call-center | |
Item Arrived at Poland | |
【Ukraine】 Customs clearance in progress | |
Sent to CNI processing center on 2016-12-06 07:48 | |
【HANGZHOU CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment | |
快件在【呼伦贝尔海拉尔成吉集散中心】已装车,准备发往 【呼伦贝尔市满洲里市鑫华源小区营业点】 | |
Item dispatched. PKG#:PKG03261971 | |
Customs clearance completed,Released by customs | |
快件在【中山市和穗大道东营业部】已装车,准备发往 【中山三角集散中心】 | |
Item Posted Over The Counter to Georgia | |
Departure from navigation | |
HKG - Package With Battery | |
【PUTIAN CITY】 Shipment arrive at PUTIAN CITY distribution center | |
The shipment item is under transportation, Item received for processing | |
【中国邮政集团公司浙江省义乌市邮购配送公司】已收寄 | |
Arrival at local delivery office | |
到达义乌后宅街道 | |
Preparing to Dispatch (Country code: PE) | |
Item detained (unfit for Airmail delivery).Please contact the company you made this purchase from | |
【HANDAN CITY】 Shipment arrive at HANDAN CITY distribution center | |
请自送或邮寄至广州仓。(备注:请不要通过“速尔公司”邮寄, | |
您的快件已被TJ澳景大厦丰巢【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
Arrived To Office | |
Booked on flight | |
到长沙市【长沙转运中心】 | |
【LISHUI CITY】 Shipment arrive at LISHUI CITY distribution center | |
Customs cleared and lodged with local Post | |
Item Arrived at Almaty | |
快件到达北京分拨中心,正在分捡中 ,上一站是北京房山良乡一公司 | |
【SUZHOU CITY】 Shipment arrive at SUZHOU CITY distribution center | |
Item Arrived at Turkmenistan | |
【邢台市大宗邮件处理中心】已封发(国内经转) | |
您的快件已被云柜淀山湖花园美苑41栋【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
bzfw | |
Shipment information sent to FedEx | |
快件已到达【浙江义乌公司】 扫描员是【福田1站点】上一站是 | |
【BENGBU CITY】 Shipment arrive at BENGBU CITY distribution center | |
您的快件已被GZ保利麓苑格格货栈【自提柜】代收,请及时取件。有问题请联系派件员 | |
【YUEYANG CITY】 Shipment arrive at YUEYANG CITY distribution center | |
【中国邮政集团公司扬州市大宗邮件收寄处理中】已收寄(国内经转) | |
【中国邮政集团公司贵阳市分公司】已封发(国内经转) | |
Shipment arrived at facility 绥芬河 | |
Airline arrive at destination country | |
Arrive at origin post office | |
Sinotrans-Santiago de Chile-Linehaul Arrival | |
Sinotrans-hangzhou-Hand over to airline :Hand over to airline | |
Sinotrans-HGH-Package Arriving at Air Hub of Sinotrans in China | |
Arrive at transit country or district | |
Airline departed from original country | |
Waiting for pickup | |
Pendiente de entrega. contactar servicio al cliente correoschile | |
Dirección de entrega es insuficiente/incorrecta | |
Envio no pudo ser entregado | |
Envio en reparto | |
Recibido en planta destino | |
Envio despachado | |
Recibido en planta origen | |
Sinotrans--Airlines or trucks Arrived at destination country:ARRIVAL AT INTERNATIONAL HUB | |
Sinotrans-SHENZHEN-Hand over to airline :Hand over to airline | |
Arrive at local delivery office | |
Depart from transit country or district | |
Post office collection. | |
Airline arrived at destination country | |
Shipment operation completed at facility Haicanwei |
by tisunov